Assessor's Office

Exemption Selection Card

You can renew your exemption on-line at using the Identifier and PIN number found on the instructions portion of your Selection Card,

Why is the card titled Exemption Selection?

You will be using this card to SELECT the type of property on which you would like to apply your exemption.  If you select to use your exemption on your Real Property, such as your home, this card will also act as your exemption renewal.  If you select another type of property you may be mailed a separate RENEWAL card.

How do I use my exemption on my Real Property?

In order to use your exemption on your real property you need to check the Real Property box, verify we have the correct Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) and Location address, SIGN, date and return the card to our office by JUNE 15.   If you have not used your exemption on your real property in the past the APN and Location fields will be blank; however, this is your opportunity to change your selection.  To change your exemption to Real Property, check the box and write in your APN and Location Address.  If you have moved but still want to apply your exemption to your Real Property, check the Real Property Box, cross out the existing APN and Location and write in your new APN and Location address.  Always remember to sign the card and return it by June 15.  You can look up your APN on our Property Assessment Data pages.
 Click here for an example of how to complete your SELECTION/RENEWAL Card to use your exemption on your real property home.
 Click here for an example of how to complete your SELECTION/RENEWAL Card to use your exemption on your real property home if you have moved since last year.

How do I use my exemption on my Mobile/Manufactured Home or my Business Personal Property or my Aircraft?

Mobile/Manufactured Homes (that have not been converted to Real Property), Business Personal Property, and Aircraft are considered Personal Property.  Personal Property assessment is different than real property assessment including some different deadlines.

To use your exemption on your Personal Property you need to check the box corresponding to your type of Personal Property on the card and write in your Personal Property Account Number/Identifier and Location address. SIGN, date and return the card to our office by JUNE 15. 

You can look up your  Mobile Home Account number on our Mobile Home Online Data pages. 
You can look up your Aircraft Account number on our Aircraft Search pages.
You can find your Business Personal Property Identifier on your Personal Property Declaration.

If we receive your card before June 15th the selection card will also act as your renewal and we will inform the Treasurer's Office of the exemption.  If we receive your card after June 15th, we will mail you a RENEWAL card.  You will need to submit the renewal card when you pay your Personal Property tax bill to receive your exemption.
Click here for an example of how to complete your SELECTION Card if you choose to use your exemption on your mobile home that has not been converted to real property.  Please visit our Mobile Home Conversion web page for addition information on converting your mobile/manufactured home.

Click here for an example for how to complete your SELECTION Card if you choose to use your exemption on your Business Personal Property.

Click here for an example of how to complete your SELECTION Card if you choose to use your exemption on your Aircraft.

How do I use my exemption at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)?

In order to use your exemption at the DMV between July 1 and June 30, you will need to complete this Exemption SELECTION card and return it to our office.  After we receive your Selection card we will mail you a RENEWAL Card to submit to the DMV.  To complete the Selection Card, mark the DMV Box, check the box corresponding to the month and year you want to receive your Renewal Card (remember it should be at least one month BEFORE your registration is due), SIGN, date and return the card to our office.  Upon receiving your Selection Card we will note the month you would like to receive your Renewal Card, and then mail you a DMV voucher during the appropriate month.  YOU MUST SUBMIT THE DMV RENEWAL CARD (NOT the SELECTION Card) TO THE DMV TO RECEIVE YOUR EXEMPTION. The DMV will NOT refund taxes after they are paid.
 Click here for an example of how to complete your SELECTION Card if you use your exemption at the DMV. 

What if I do not return my card by June 15th?

If you do not return your card by June 15 you cannot use your exemption on your Real Property taxes but you can still use your exemption during the fiscal year on your Mobile/Manufactured Home, Business Personal Property, Aircraft, or at the DMV to reduce your Government Services Tax.  If we do not receive your Selection Card by June 15th we will mail you a RENEWAL card by the first week of July.   You can use the RENEWAL card at either the DMV when you register your vehicle or at the Treasurer's Office when you pay your Mobile/Manufactured Home, Business Personal Property or Aircraft tax bill.  The DMV will NOT accept Selection Cards, you must have a RENEWAL card.

Sample Time Line for Fiscal Year 2018-2019

  • Fiscal year begins July 1, 2018
  • Selection/Renewal cards will be mailed in March or April 2018.  This is your chance to choose how you want to use your exemption.
  • To use your exemption on Real Property you must return your card by June 15, 2018.  Your exemption will then appear on your 2018/2019 tax bill.
  • Exemptions can be used on Personal Property between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.  Mobile Homes, Business Personal Property, Aircraft, and licensed vehicles are considered Personal Property.
  • To use your exemption on a Mobile Home, if you return your card by June 15, 2018 the exemption will appear on your tax bill,  if you return your card after June 15, 2018 we will mail/give you a RENEWAL card.  You will need to submit the Renewal card to the Treasurer's Office when you pay your taxes.
  • To use your exemption on your Business Personal Property or Aircraft return your selection card anytime before your 2018/2019 tax bill is due, preferably by June 15, 2018.  After we receive your SELECTION card we will mail/give you a RENEWAL card. You will need to submit the Renewal card to the Treasurer's Office when you pay your taxes.
  • To use your exemption at the DMV return your selection card anytime before your registration is due, preferably by June 15, 2018.  After we receive your SELECTION card we will mail/give you a RENEWAL card to use at the DMV.  You CANNOT use the SELECTION card at the DMV, you must have a RENEWAL CARD.
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