Human Services Agency


CrossRoads Logo

CrossRoads is a Washoe County Human Services Agency (HSA) lead initiative that provides a tiered supportive housing approach for men, women, and women & children. The CrossRoads programs focuses on identifying, intervening, and stabilizing Washoe County residents with traditionally moderate to higher complexity needs through effective programming, services, community collaboration, and access to a continuum of care.   

CrossRoads is comprised of the following four core elements:

  • An Alcohol and Drug Free Supervised, Structured and Supportive Community Living Environment
  • Targeted and Intensive Case Management Services
  • Life Skills Development and Workforce Readiness Programming
  • Creating Proactive Linkages with Physical and Behavioral Healthcare providers

Additionally, CrossRoads offers an Off-Campus (CROC) service that provides intensive and targeted case management services and/or community referrals for individuals seeking help with locating local resources to address their needs. 

CrossRoads Off-Campus (CROC) also provides continuing care services to men and women who have transitioned out of the CrossRoads supportive living community programs.  Participants have ongoing access to wrap-around case management services and support as they continue to refine their independent living skills to sustain the gains they have made in their life-changing efforts.



Phone: (775) 328-2700



Link to Online Application  Or Scan QR Code for Online Application
Men's CrossRoads Mens CrossRoads QR Code
Women's CrossRoads Women's CrossRoads QR Code
Women's & Children's CrossRoads Women's & Children's CR Code



The data shown is to provide an overview of key indicators associated with the CrossRoads program.  The information is subject to change.

crossroads clients served FY23

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