Community Services

Estimating Project Costs

Estimating the total cost of development includes permits, fees, bonding requirements, and taxes. In Washoe County the cost for permits, fees and collection of associated taxes is related to the complexity of the construction as defined by the project size, location, and impact to infrastructure. Estimates of project total costs may be refined as a project concept develops and becomes more complete.

Land Rights

If additional review is necessary for a project to determine if it meets current land/use regulations and/or to review impacts and mitigations, an additional application and review process is necessary. Land applications and associated costs are available on the planning program site. To estimate your fees, please visit the Planning Application Fees and Forms page and/or email to participate in preapplication meetings. Planning applications and fees are submitted to the Planning and Building Division.

Building Permits

Permit Costs: Washoe County Building Permit fees are based on the project size and maybe calculated with the following table on online CSD Building. Estimates of permit costs are completed by the team by emailing

When Payment is Due: Payments for building fees are due at three times 1) prior to routing 2) prior to permit issuance allowing for construction, and 3) prior to final certificate of occupancy. 

1) Fees Due Prior to Routing

  • Payment of plan review fees and fire fees are due prior to routing a plan set for review.
  • For residential projects, fees for the Health District are collected prior to routing. 

2) Prior to Issuance (i.e. prior to construction)

  • Payment of building permit fees, park tax fees, RRIF fees, and associated health fees (unless already paid) are due prior to issuing permits. 
  • Payments due before issuance of building permits include utility fees/hook ups if they are not already completed/paid. 
  • Payments due before issuance also include any bonding or financial assurances for planning and engineering. 

3) Prior to final certificate of occupancy. 

  • Payments due upon final certificate of occupancy include any remaining agency fees and any remaining outstanding items. 

Payment of RIFF fees maybe deferred to final certificate of occupancy. Work directly with the assigned permit technician to request deferrment after submitting your building permit application. 

Engineering, Utility, and Infrastructure Related Costs

  • Establishing Utility, Sewer, or Reclaimed Water Service process and associated fees are located online on Engineering Development Services. Payments for utilities and infrastructure services are due prior to issuance of building permit. 
  • Regional Road Infrastructure Fees (RIFF) are calculated based on type of construction and impact to regional roadways. Washoe County collects this fee on behalf of regional transportation agencies. RIFF fees are collected at issuance of permits unless deferred. Regional Transportation Commission offers credit system to reduce costs of fees. 
  • Revocable Occupancy Permits and Excavation Permits are calculated based on extent of the work, location, and required patching to return infrastructure to the original state. Costs are summarized in the application instructions.  Required Revocable Occupancy and/or Excavation Permits are obtained prior to issuance of building permits. 

Partnering Agencies

Washoe County does not regulate fees for partnering agencies to include public safety, fire, health, utilities, general improvement districts, transportation authorities and state reviewing agencies. Please work with those agencies directly to determine localized review costs.  

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