Human Services Agency

Clinical Services

The mission of Clinical Services (CST) at Washoe County Human Services Agency is to provide short-term, evidence-based mental and behavioral health services to children and families. CST supports the psychological and emotional well-being of families and include assessment, crisis intervention, individual and family therapy, clinical case support and consultation; foster home support services, placement stabilization, pre and post adoptions support; special needs adoptions clinical services, information and referral and client and staff training support. Our clinicians adhere to strict standards of confidentiality.

Therapy services are provided to families for placement and disruption prevention, as well as reunification. Placement and disruption prevention services are provided to families with children who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to abuse or neglect.  Reunification services are provided to families with children who are returning from foster care or other out-of-home placement.

The unit is staffed by 12 full time licensed clinicians and clinical interns, 3 clinical supervisors, as well as 6 case worker and support staff.  For more information about any of the services offered, please contact Washoe County Human Services Agency at (775) 785-8600.

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