
  • Special testing accommodations request

    If you have a disability which requires special testing accommodations, please contact the Department of Human Resources before the scheduled exam, at careers@washoecounty.gov and include the ADA Special Testing Accommodations Request Form with your request.  Special testing accommodations will be provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • If I do not pass the exam may I take it again?

    Washoe County does offer an exam retake policy.  If you choose, you may re-take an exam after sixty days and up to one year after testing.  This option to re-test is only available for a position when it is open for recruitment and the same exam is used.  In this circumstance, you will be emailed with the opportunity to re-take the exam or transfer your previous score.  If a re-test is chosen, the most recent score will be used, whether higher or lower.  If it has been less than 60 days or more than one year, re-testing will not be an option.
  • I wasn't notified when my exam date would be or I did not receive my exam scores.

    All correspondence about your application and the position you applied for are sent through email to the email address you provided on your application.  Prior to contacting Washoe County Human Resources, check your email spam folder. Also, please verify your email address is correct by signing in at https://jobs.washoecounty.us/applicant, be sure to use the User ID and password you previously created.

  • Are exams given for all positions?

    The Department of Human Resources administers examinations to determine which applicants are the most qualified for a particular position.  There is no single exam; examinations are developed to suit duties and responsibilities of each job classification.  The Department of Human Resources uses written and oral examinations, tests of physical ability, and demonstrations of practical skills as testing instruments.  For some positions, the entire examination consists of a rating of education and experience as you describe them in your application.

    Some positions are unclassified and outside of the merit system.  Individuals selected for those positions serve at the pleasure of the hiring authority.  A variety of selection instruments may be used in evaluating candidates for these types of positions.

  • When will my test be scheduled?

    Once the applications have been through final review, applicants who meet the qualifications are generally scheduled to take the exam generally a minimum of one week prior to the exam. The job announcement states the date the exam will occur so applicants are able to plan accordingly when they apply.  Most applicants are scheduled within a single session, however when there is a large number of applicants it may require more than one testing session and applicants will be scheduled in groups.  Also, if the recruitment is open continuously, applicants may be scheduled in groups in the order of the date their applications are received.

  • What type of exam might I expect?

    The tentative examination content is described on page two of the job announcement. Some jobs require a written exam that may consist of short answer, multiple choice, true-false, or essay type questions that are directly related to the job. For example, do not be concerned about taking a spelling exam if you are applying for a maintenance job; you will most likely be asked questions about plumbing, carpentry, painting, etc.

    Not all of Washoe County`s positions require written exams. Some jobs may require a performance test where applicants must perform tasks similar to those performed on the job. For example, clerical applicants may take a typing test. For certain jobs, such as a Sheriff`s Deputy, a physical ability test is also required.

    Another type of exam is an oral exam, which reviews your qualifications,  experience, education and other knowledge, skills and abilities required for the job. This type of exam is still structured and scored by a panel, but it does give you the opportunity to express yourself, and to discuss what unique qualifications you bring to the position. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions about the job.

    The examination process may consist of one or any combination of these types of exams. Each portion of the examination is required to be taken in order to be considered. The passing score is determined by a statistical evaluation of the exam scores. Applicants are notified of their exam results by email.

  • When will I be notified if I am eligible to take the examination?

    Review page two of the job announcement which provides the date of the exam.  After you have submitted your application and the Recruiting Analyst has determined that the minimum qualifications have been met, you will receive an email at the email address you provided on your application.  This email notification is generally sent approximately one week before the examination notifying you of your exam date, time and location.
  • When will I receive my exam scores?

    Exam scores will be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks of taking the examination, larger exams may take up to 4 weeks to score.  
  • Where will the examination be held?

    You will be provided the location by email approximately one week before the examination date. Refer to the examination date on page two of the job announcement.
  • What is an examination and why do I have to take one?

    The term "examination" refers to the selection method used to rank all candidates for a particular classification. Applicants applying for employment with the Washoe County Merit System are required to go through an "examination" process. Depending upon the position for which you are applying, examinations may consist of written, oral, performance, physical agility tests, involve a rating of past experience and training, or be comprised of a combination of such exams.