Interview and Selection

  • How long do lists of qualified candidates last?

    Most lists remain active for at least 1 year, but no longer than 3 years.  If you are on a list that is being replaced before 3 years has passed, you may be notified to reapply and retest.
  • Where am I ranked on the eligible list?

    All candidates on the list are ranked in score order, based on the number of eligible candidates.  If there is a tie score, the candidates receive the same ranking.  For example, if two people have a score of 86.44 and are ranked at #8 then both are ranked 8.  If the next candidate’s score on the list is an 87,  that candidate  would be ranked 7 due to  their higher score.

    Promotional candidates are ranked at the top of the list followed by open competitive candidates  to complete the list.  Departments receive an even number of candidates from the Promotional and Open Competitive groups based on how many they wish to interview. For example:  If a department requests 6 names to interview, they will receive the top three Promotional candidate’s names and the top three Open Competitive candidate’s names.

  • I didn't get notified about an interview or receive my ranking.

    All correspondence about your application, testing and ranking are sent through email to the email address you provided on your application.  Prior to contacting Washoe County Human Resources, be sure to check your email spam folder. Hiring departments have the option to contact you directly to schedule an interview; therefore, you may receive notification either from Human Resources or the hiring department.

  • Can my rank ever change?

    Yes, there are two ways your rank may change. If the examination is open continuous, new names will be added to the list each time the tests are administered. If another applicant scores higher than you, your rank will be lowered. It is also possible for you to advance higher on the eligible list as others are hired or removed for other reasons such as finding other jobs. 
  • When will I be notified for an interview?

    As vacancies occur, the Department of Human Resources refers a list of eligible candidates to a hiring department. Candidates may be notified for an interview by either the Department of Human Resources or the hiring department.  Interview notices may be made by phone or email.