

A.N.S.I.: American National Standards Institute.

A.S.T.M.: American Society for Testing and Materials.

C. of O.: Certificate of Occupancy (Minimum Requirements For Residential)

COMcheck: Commercial check version of the Model Energy Code used for demonstrating compliance will all commercial energy code requirements.

I.A.P.M.O.:International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.

I.B.C.: International Building Code

I.C.B.O.: International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO, BOCA and SBCCI have joined together to form the ICC)

I.C.C.: International Code Council

I.M.C.: International Mechanical Code

I.P.C.: International Plumbing Code

I.R.C.: International Residential Code

I.V.G.I.D.: Incline Village General Improvement District

MECcheck: Model Energy Code check

N.E.C.: National Electrical Code (N.F.P.A.)

N.F.P.A.: National Fire Protection Agency

N.N.I.C.C.: Northern Nevada International Code Counsel

REScheck: Residential check version of the Model Energy Code used for demonstrating compliance will all residential energy code requirements.

Safety Seal: A State Seal placed upon a mobile home by an inspector from the Nevada State Manufactured Housing Division upon its completion of installation.

T.R.P.A.: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

U.B.C.: Uniform Building Code

U.M.C.: Uniform Mechanical Code

U.P.C.: Uniform Plumbing Code

U.S.E.C.: Uniform Solar Energy Code

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