Property Taxes

  • Where can I get real estate tax information?

    You can obtain tax information by either calling our office at (775) 328-2510 or by going to our website at

    Having your parcel number available will help obtain the information more quickly.

  • When are property taxes due?

    Our tax year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th. Real property and mobile home taxes are payable in 4 installments with due dates as follows:

    1st Installment due on the 3rd Monday in August

    2nd Installment due on the 1st Monday in October

    3rd Installment due on the 1st Monday in January

    4th Installment due on the 1st Monday in March

    If a tax bill is $100 or less, the full amount is due on the 3rd Monday of August.

    Personal Property taxes are billed in monthly cycles. They are due upon receipt and delinquent after 30 days.

  • What is a supplemental tax bill?

    A supplemental tax bill is for new construction on a property that was in place on July 1st, but was not assessed and billed on the original real estate tax bill due to the Assessor's Office having to close the tax rolls.
  • How are property taxes calculated?

    Property taxes are calculated by taking the current year tax rate and multiplying it by the assessed value. If that amount is greater than a 3% to 8% increase over the prior year's taxes, an abatement may be applied to limit the increase.
  • What is Renewable Energy Credit and who qualifies to receive this credit?

    The renewable energy program is run by the Dept of Energy at the State of Nevada. This credit applies to renewable energy production facilities and not residential property. For more information on the requirements for this program see:

    This program is administered in accordance with NRS 701A.300 through NRS 701A.450, and NAC 701A.500 through NAC 701A.660.

  • What is LEED Abatement Credit and who qualifies to receive this credit?

    The Nevada Governor's Office of Energy (GOE) administers the green building tax abatement program (LEED) pursuant to NRS 701A.100-701A.110 and NAC 701A.010-701A.370, and as amended under R128-18. As of July 1, 2021, the program was discontinued and no longer accepting applications. However, there are existing businesses receiving the credit that were approved or had an application pending prior to the program being discontinued.