Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Homeland Security

The Washoe County Homeland Security Program exists to safeguard members of our community against both natural and human-caused threats. The Program coordinates with the Northern Nevada Regional Information Center (NNRIC), the Nevada Threat Analysis Center (NTAC), and the State of Nevada Department of Emergency Management (DEM) to protect our citizens. The program also collaborates with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Washoe County Homeland Security assists Washoe County Emergency Management in evaluating current capabilities and developing/revising the goals, objectives and implementation steps of the strategy to meet any gaps in capabilities. 

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Continuity of Operations Planning

Continuity of Operations Planning

Continuity of Operations Planning

The Nevada Statewide COOP Planning Project is a Homeland Security grant-funded
​project tasked with developing continuity of operations plans for jurisdictions and their community partners within Nevada.

Through this project we are pleased to have this opportunity to help many of our
government and private business partners throughout the State embark on
continuity of operations planning.

For the 2021-2022 cycle, we are working with Truckee Meadows Community College and the College of Southern Nevada.

To learn more, click here.

See Something, Say Something

See Something, Say Something

See Something, Say Something

Across the country, in our communities, we share everyday moments with our neighbors, family, coworkers, and friends. We go to work or school, the grocery store, or the gas station. It's easy to overlook these routine moments, but as you’re going about your day, if you see something that doesn't seem quite right, say something. By being alert and reporting suspicious activity to your local law enforcement, you can protect your family, neighbors, and community.

To learn more, click here.


Submit a Tip

Submit a Tip

Use the page below to report what appears to you as a possible violation of controlled substances laws and regulations. Violations may include the growing, manufacture, distribution or trafficking of controlled substances.

NOTE: If you witness an event that may lead to immediate threat to human health or safety, you should report it to your local police or law enforcement authority.

Submit a Tip Here

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Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »