Community Services

Monitoring and Response

Washoe County is proactive and prepared to respond to water level changes within closed basins and stormwater conveyance systems (ditches) through out unincorporated Washoe County. Increased elevations of water levels within our closed basins and lakes trigger additional operations, public safety and protection measures.



Within closed basins and along roadside ditches, please expect the following during the winter months as snow melts:

  • Operations crews to continue to remove debris from roadways and drainage systems
  • Installation of protections to maintain critical infrastructure within Washoe County right-of-way.
  • Changes to your normal traffic route and/or the speed limit in those areas.
  • Staging of additional resources for the community to prepare for weather events. 
  • Additional operations, engineering, and public safety team members will be more visible within the community.

* indicates required
Stay up to date on storm water issues and flooding

Common areas of flooding within our communities include our ditches:

Many ditches in the southern end of the county near Toll Road, Geiger Grade, Whites Creek and Thomas Creek are more prone to flooding. Most flooding potential is from irrigation ditches, so crews visit the ditches and monitoring them prior to this storm to ensure that they are as clear of debris as possible and sandbag known problem areas. 

There are currently numerous field crews within the community responding to the potential for rising water from rain on snow events. Please share the latest flood protection measures in Swan Lake and throughout the region. 

There may be onsite, immediate changes operations completed to protect public safety. Please be cautious within the area and sign up to below to get storm water response updates and for regional alerts from our emergency operations center. 


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Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »