Green Team

About Green Team

The Washoe County Green Team is a virtual department composed of staff from various county departments and representatives from the Health District. The group was created in February of 2008 to review and address sustainability programs, projects and policies in Washoe County.

The mission of the Green Team is to encourage, inspire, and support Washoe County's efforts to build a sustainable community for the benefit of current residents and future generations.

Washoe County's strategic priorities reflect a commitment to responsible practices, products and policies that result in environmental, as well as financial, savings.  The priorities have been incorporated into the goals and daily activities of our departments.   The Washoe County Green Team leads, manages and implements best practices and programs for creating a sustainable community.  The team is a resource for both employees and citizens for information and best practices on sustainable living.

The Environmental Action Update is a guide to Washoe County's projects and policies that support a sustainable Northern Nevada community.

Creating the process and foundation to build a sustainable community must incorporate three complex systems- environment, economics, and social. To be successful, it is essential to have a team of from experts in variety of fields. Our green team provides technical and professional resources from water resources, air quality, engineering, to regional parks, public works, community outreach and beyond. The members split into six working groups focused on: the Built Environment, Water and Waste Water, Energy, Transportation, Waste Reduction, and Outreach and Education. To contact the team or working groups please visit the Green Team contact page or email

Download our October 28, 2008 staff report to review the Green Team's goals, objectives, and priorities.  Our March 23, 2010 staff report provides additional information on our past activities.  More recent activities and projects are listed under Projects.

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