Green Team

Employee Trip Reduction

How Can you Help Washoe County Stay Green and Sustainable?

As a county employee, you can help by taking alternative transportation whenever possible, especially during events impacting 9th Street Complex parking during the Reno Rodeo and Hot August Nights.

Ride Share    Walk-Bike-Ride

To find car or vanpool partners, please register at the RTC Smart Trips website!

Recent ETR Activities:

♦ An Employee Transportation Survey was conducted, view the outcome of this survey here.

♦ Congratulations to the survey winners, who each won 2 movie tickets via random drawing:
   From left to right: Jeri Renshaw (Finance), Cathy Hill (Comptroller), Judy Avila (Juvenile Services),
   and Maureen McElroy (Reno Downtown Library)
Jeri Renshaw and Cathy Hill     Judy Avila     Maureen McElroy

♦ Congratulations to the Smart Trip registration winner, who won a FibBit Activity tracker:
   Jonathan Lujan (Clerks)
Jonathan Lujan

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Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »