Frequently Asked Questions




  • How do I get on Washoe County's bidders list?

    Washoe County does not maintain bidder's lists. The County utilizes the online services of Onvia-Demandstar to post bids and RFP's. Suppliers and contractors may elect to subscribe to Onvia-Demandstar in order to receive bid notifications for services and supplies that they handle but there is no requirement by Washoe County that vendors do so. A link to the Onvia-Demandstar website showing County bids and RFP's can be found here.
  • How do I register to do business with Washoe County?

    Washoe County does not pre-register suppliers and contractors. At such time as the County determines to purchase goods or services from a particular supplier or contractor, a new vendor application must be completed in order to establish the supplier or contractor in the County's financial software system as an accounts payable vendor.

Risk Management