Local Emergency Planning Committee


Throughout the year, the LEPC has opportunities to apply for a variety of grants from the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). These grants may include funding for equipment, planning and training needs.  All members and active participants of the LEPC are invited to submit applications. A general grant form is located on this web page. All grants are reviewed by the grant subcommittee and then submitted to the general LEPC for approval.


Operations, Planning, Training, and Exercises (OPTE) Grant 

This grant supports local hazardous materials emergency response plans. OPTE aims to further response capabilities of first responders to hazardous materials incidents.  Funding supports training, equipment, and/or improvements to local planning for such contingencies.

» Click here to download the OPTE Grant Application


United We Stand (UWS) Grant

The Nevada SERC collects fees from the sale of United We Stand (UWS) license plates.  The fees are provided to local LEPC's to support preparedness to combat terrorism pursuant to NRS 459.735.

» Click here to download the UWS Grant Application


Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant 

The Nevada SERC subgrants funds to local LEPCs from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Hazardous Materiais Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) grant for planning and training activities.

» Click here to download the HMEP Grant Application


* Please email the submission form to FCeballos@washoecounty.gov.

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