Roads Q & A

  • Will brine hurt our vehicles or cause them to rust?

    Washing or rinsing your vehicle of the brine solution after each storm event should reduce any effect on your vehicle.
  • What is the County spraying on the roadway?

    It is brine. It is a mixture of salt and sand. When applied, it prevents snow from sticking to the pavement. 
  • Why is brine being used?

    Brine will significantly reduce the amount of snow that bonds to the roadway, which will allow the snow to be plowed much easier.  By applying brine, we are reducing the amount of salt and sand that would typically be applied to roadways.

  • Why are they spraying today? It is not snowing.

    The brine can be applied up to seven days prior to a storm.  When it dries in place the saturation from the new snow will reactivate it.  We anticipate applying the brine solution during normal operation hours, 3-4 days prior to a predicted storm, which will also help to reduce overtime and fatigue.