
Debt Management

Below is the Debt Management policy and summary for Washoe County as well as other related information.

County Represented by Independent Registered Municipal Advisor

Washoe County, Nevada (the “County”) is a municipal entity and is an issuer of municipal securities. The County intends that this notice constitutes the “required representation” for purposes of the “represented by an independent registered municipal advisor” set forth in Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation §15Ba1-1(d)(3)(VI)(17 CFR §240.15Bal-l (d)(3)(vi)) (the "Regulation").

The County is represented by and will rely on the advice of one or more of our qualified pool of independent registered municipal advisors, listed below, with respect to the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products. The County understands that each of the Independent Municipal Advisors are a municipal advisor registered pursuant to Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.

• Hobbs, Ong & Associates, Inc.-Guy Hobbs and Kathy Ong/
   PFM Financial Advisors LLC – Sarah Hollenbeck
• JNA Consulting Group LLC - Martin Johnson and John Peterson
• Zions Bank Public Finance - Andrew Artusa

Proposals for financings or requests for meetings may be directed to Abbe Yacoben, Chief Financial Officer, at ayacoben@washoecounty.gov. If, after receiving a proposal, the County decides that it will be seriously considered, we will share the document with our municipal advisor. Please note that aside from the regulatory mandated correspondence between an underwriter and municipal advisor, the underwriter should not speak directly with or send documents directly to the municipal advisor unless directed to do so by the County.

This notice is for the information of and may be relied upon by the Underwriter for the purposes of the Regulation until otherwise rescinded, and may not be used by or relied upon for any other purpose.

DATED: November 15, 2018
By:/s/ Christine Vuletich,
Chief Financial Officer

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