Chair, Kitty Jung, District 3

Vice-Chair, Bob Lucey, District 2

Marsha Berkbigler, District 1

Vaughn Hartung, District 4

Jeanne Herman, District 5


COUNTY MANAGER                                         

John Slaughter



Paul Lipparelli



Nancy Parent




COMMISSION CHAMBERS - 1001 E. 9th Street, Reno, Nevada


September 27, 2016

10:00 a.m.


NOTE:  Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; combined with other items; removed from the agenda; moved to the agenda of another meeting; moved to or from the Consent section; or may be voted on in a block.  Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time, but may be heard later.  Items listed in the Consent section of the agenda are voted on as a block and will not be read or considered separately unless removed from the Consent section.  The Board of County Commissioners may take breaks approximately every 90 minutes.


Accessibility.  The Washoe County Commission Chambers are accessible to the disabled.  If you require special arrangements for the meeting, call the Office of the County Manager, (775) 328-2000, 24-hours prior to the meeting. 


Public Transportation.  Public transportation is available to this meeting site:  RTC Routes 2, 2S, 5 and 15 serve this location.  For eligible RTC ACCESS reservations call (775) 348-5438.


Time Limits.  Public comments are welcomed during the Public Comment periods for all matters, whether listed on the agenda or not, and are limited to three minutes per person.  Additionally, public comment of three minutes per person will be heard during individually numbered items on the agenda.  Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on the agenda items and/or attend and make comment on that item at the Commission meeting.  Persons may not allocate unused time to other speakers.  To preserve time and increase efficiency representatives of recognized groups may be given more than 3 minutes as determined by the presiding officer.


Forum Restrictions and Orderly Conduct of Business.  The Board of County Commissioners conducts the business of Washoe County and its citizens during its meetings.  The presiding officer may order the removal of any person whose statement or other conduct disrupts the orderly, efficient or safe conduct of the meeting.  Warnings against disruptive conduct may or may not be given prior to removal.  The viewpoint of a speaker will not be restricted, but reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech.  Irrelevant and unduly repetitious statements and personal attacks which antagonize or incite others are examples of speech that may be reasonably limited.


Responses to Public Comments.  The County Commission can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting.  During the public comment period, speakers may address matters listed or not listed on the published agenda.  The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Commission.  However, responses from Commissioners to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public.  On the advice of legal counsel and to ensure the public has notice of all matters the Commission will consider, Commissioners may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, ask for County staff action or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda.  The Commission may do this either during the public comment item or during the following item:  “*Commissioners’/Manager’s Announcements, Requests for Information, Topics for Future Agendas and Statements Relating to Items Not on the Agenda”.

Pursuant to NRS 241.020, the Agenda for the Commission Meeting has been posted at the following locations:  Washoe County Administration Building (1001 E. 9th Street, Bldg. A); Washoe County Courthouse - Second Judicial District Court (75 Court Street); Washoe County - Reno Downtown Library (301 South Center Street); Sparks Justice Court (1675 East Prater Way); and


Support documentation for the items on the agenda, provided to the Washoe County Board of Commissioners is available to members of the public at the County Manager’s Office (1001 E. 9th Street, Bldg. A, 2nd Floor, Reno, Nevada) Susy Valdespin, Agenda Coordinator, (775) 328-2000 and on Washoe County’s website


All items numbered or lettered below are hereby designated for possible action as if the words “for possible action” were written next to each item (NRS 241.020).  An item listed with asterisk (*) next to it is an item for which no action will be taken.


10:00 a.m.    *1.         Salute to the flag.


*2.        Roll call.


*3.        Public Comment.  Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters on and off the both Commission agenda.  The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person.  Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole.


*4.        Commissioners’/County Manager’s announcements, reports and updates, requests for information or topics for future agendas.  (No discussion among Commissioners will take place on this item.)




5.A.      Approve the temporary job reclassification for Reno Justice Court of the “Assistant Court Administrator” position (#70000380), to “Assistant Court Administrator & Technology”, from the hourly range of $29.16 to $39.41 to the hourly range of $35.25 to $50.42, and the reclassification of Justice Court Technology Manager (Position # 70000377), pay grade J187 to Court Tech. Business Systems Analyst II, pay grade K450, effective September 19, 2016.  [$0 net impact].  Reno Justice Court.  (All Commission Districts.)


5.B.      Accept Registrar of Voters’ report of early voting locations and schedule for the 2016 General Election per NRS 293.3561 (2b).  Voters.  (All Commission Districts.)  


5.C.      Recommendation to approve amending the Washoe County 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Document and MassMutual Administrative Services Agreement, effective October 1, 2016, to allow an employee who does not make an affirmative election to defer or not to defer a portion of his or her Compensation under the Plan to be automatically enrolled in the County’s 457(b) deferred compensation plan if the employee is covered by a collective bargaining agreement that authorizes automatic enrollment in the County’s 457(b) deferred compensation plan ; and if approved, authorize Director of Human Resources/Labor Relations to execute same. [No fiscal impact.]  Human Resources.  (All Commission Districts.)  



5.D.      Approve the submission of a grant for the Non-emergency Medical Transportation in Unincorporated Washoe County from Access to Health Care Network,[in the amount of $74,607] to the State of Nevada Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for funding consideration in Round 2 of the FY17 funding cycle; and if approved, authorize the Chair to execute the documents concerning same.  Manager.  (All Commission District.)  


5.E.       Approve to accept a Child Abuse and Neglect (CANS) Sub-Grant award from the State of Nevada – Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$15,000; no County Match required], retroactive to July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 to conduct a safety  assessment for the purpose of developing and establishing improved operating systems as it relates to the assessment and investigation of child abuse and neglect, and authorize the Department to execute the sub-grant award and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the appropriate budget amendments.  Senior Services.  (All Commission Districts).  


              Community Services


6.A.      Approve the Termination of Agreement on Management of Water Rights Appurtenant to Street Rights-of-Way between Reno, Sparks and Washoe County.  Community Services.  (All Commission Districts.)  


6.B.      Approve the Contract for Storage of Non-Project Water among the United States and Washoe County Water Conservation District, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks and the County of Washoe.  Community Services. (All Commission Districts.)


6.C.      Approve the Water Sale Agreement between Randall J. Warner, dba Washoe Valley Veterinary Hospital and Washoe County.  Community Services.  (Commission District 2.)


6.D.      Approve the following Lease Agreements for two non-profit entities to lease the Washoe County Plumas Street Building:  (1)  a lease agreement between Washoe County and Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful from October 1, 2016, through June 30, 2021, with two three-year extensions, and (2)  a lease agreement between Washoe County and the Nevada Land Trust from October 1, 2016, through June 30, 2021, with two three-year extensions.  Community Services. (Commission District 1.)  




7.A.      Approve the direct grant award from the State of Nevada, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance FFY 2016/2017 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), Project No. 16-JAG-28 for [$21,000, no County match required] to purchase a Narcotics Screening Instrument to be used in the Forensic Science Division for the grant period of 10/1/16 through 9/30/17 and if approved, direct Comptroller’s Office to make necessary budget amendments.  Sheriff.  (All Commission Districts.)  


7.B.      Approve the direct grant award from the State of Nevada, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance FFY 2016/2017 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), Project No. 16-JAG-27 for [$30,000, no County match required] to support the All Threats All Crimes (ATAC) task force for the grant period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017 and if approved, direct Comptroller’s Office to make necessary budget amendments.  Sheriff.  (All Commission Districts.)  




              Social Services


8.A.      Approve to accept a Subgrant Amendment #1 award from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public & Behavioral Health [$112,500; no County match required] for the period of October 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 to support the position and activities of a Behavioral Health Program Coordinator; authorize the Department to execute the Sub-Grant Award and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget amendments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts.)  


8.B.      Approve to accept the Children’s Justice Act (CJA) sub-grant award from the State of Nevada – Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$8,710; no County Match required], retroactive from August 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016 to support and strengthen staff competency related to child fatality, abuse and neglect cases accomplished through specialized forensic and fatality training and purchase of necessary supplies to document injuries; and authorize the Department to execute the sub-grant award and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the appropriate budget amendments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts).  


8.C.      Approve to accept a Children’s Justice Act (CJA) sub-grant award from the State of Nevada – Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$30,000; no County Match required], retroactive to July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 to conduct a safety assessment for the purpose of developing and establishing improved operating systems as it relates to the assessment and investigation of child abuse and neglect, authorize the Department to execute the sub-grant award and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the appropriate budget amendments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts).  


8.D.      Approve to accept the Children’s Justice Act (CJA) sub-grant award from the State of Nevada – Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$10,000; no County Match required] retroactively from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 to provide  Children’s Advocacy Center workers with the technology to map to remote locations, to document with photography the salient aspects of injury and abuse of children; and authorize the Department to execute the sub-grant award and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the appropriate budget amendments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts.)  


End of Consent Items


9.          Appearance:              Renown Health [10 minutes]

Dr. Anthony Slonim, President & CEO Renown Health


Presentation and update on Renown Health Services.


10.        Recommendation to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Washoe County Sheriff’s Deputies Association (WCSDA) bargaining unit for a one (1) year period beginning July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and ratify same: including a cost of living adjustment in base wage of 3% retroactive to July 1, 2016 [FY 16/17 estimated fiscal impact $1,181,329]; and updated agreement language regarding health plans, safety equipment, deferred compensation, and salaries.  Human Resources.  (All Commission Districts.)  




11.        Recommendation to accept the 2015 Continuum of Care renewal Grant for Shelter Plus Care from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the amount of [$110,208; $26,335 County match required], retroactive to August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2017; authorize the Department to execute the sub-grant award; authorize a subgrant agreement for Continuum of Care services between Washoe County and Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $136,543, approve resolution necessary for same; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the appropriate budget amendments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts)  


12.        Recommendation to accept a Sub-grant Award from the State of Nevada Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$206,835; no County match required], for the period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017, to assist the Department of Social Services with the Adoption Incentive program; and authorize the Department to execute the Sub-Grant Award and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget amendments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts.)  


13.        Discussion and possible direction to the County Manager to utilize two or more hours of staff time to research access to RS 2477 roads within the context of the Washoe County Economic Development and Conservation Act.  (Strategic Objective:  Stewardship of our Community).  (Requested by Commissioner Jeanne Herman.)


14.        Recommendation to adopt the One Truckee River Management Plan.  Manager.  (All Commission Districts.) 


15.        Update and possible direction to staff on the Washoe County Economic Development and Conservation Act.  (Washoe County Federal Lands Bill).  Manager.  (All Commission Districts.)


16.        Consideration and possible appointment from a list of County Commissioner nominated and qualified persons including Julia Ratti, to fill the vacancy of the Nevada State Senate District 13 seat pursuant to NRS 218A.260, and as requested by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval in a letter to Chair Jung dated September 16, 2016.  (All Districts)


17.        Consideration and possible appointment from a list of County Commissioner nominated and qualified persons including Jesse Haw or Thomas Taber to fill the vacancy of the Nevada State Senate District 15 seat pursuant to NRS 218A.260, and as requested by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval in a letter to Chair Jung dated September 16, 2016.  (All Districts)



18.        Consideration and possible appointment from a list of County Commissioner nominated and qualified persons including Jim Nadeau, Dominic Brunetti, or Todd Vinger to fill the vacancy of the Nevada State Assembly District 25 seat pursuant to NRS 218A.260, and as requested by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval in a letter to Chair Jung dated September 16, 2016.  (All Districts)








Public Hearings.  (Note:  Due to public testimony and discussion, time expended on the item in this category can vary.)


19.        Master Plan Amendment Case No. MPA16-002 and Regulatory Zone Amendment Case No. RZA16-003 – Hearing, discussion, and possible action to approve (1) an amendment to the High Desert Area Plan to change the Master Plan Category on the subject parcel of land (APN: 071-240-13) totaling approximately 19.4 acres from Rural (R) to Suburban Residential (SR); and (2) an amendment to the High Desert Regulatory Zone Maps to change the Regulatory Zone on the same parcel of land totaling approximately 19.4 acres from General Rural (GR - 1 dwelling unit per 40 acres) to Medium Density Suburban (MDS – 3 dwelling units per acre) subject to the adoption of Master Plan Amendment Case No. MPA16-002. If approved, the change would result in an increase in residential potential from 1 dwelling unit to 58 dwelling units for a total increase of 57 dwelling units. To reflect changes requested within the application and to maintain currency of general area plan data, administrative changes to the High Desert Area Plan are proposed. These administrative changes include a revised map series with updated parcel base and updated applicable text, and other matters properly relating thereto without prejudice to the final dispensation of the proposed amendments. The applicant is the Gerlach General Improvement District and the property is located on the north edge of Gerlach adjacent to existing development on Diablo Drive. The parcel is located generally in the northeast corner formed by the intersection of Diablo Drive and Main Street. The property is located outside the Truckee Meadows Service Area and is served by the Gerlach General Improvement District.  And if approved, authorize the Chair to sign the resolutions to adopt the amendments to the High Desert Area Plan and the High Desert Regulatory Zone Map after a determination of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan by the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission.  Community Services.  (Commission District 5.)


20.        Hearing and possible action to conduct a second reading and adopt an ordinance amending the Washoe County Code at Chapter 110 (Development Code) within Article 302, Allowed Uses, at Section 110.302.05.3, Table of Uses (Commercial Use Types) to allow a new use type titled “Winery” in the Medium Density Suburban, Low Density Suburban, High Density Rural, Medium Density Rural, Low Density Rural, General Rural Agricultural, and General Rural regulatory zones; within Article 304 (Use Classification System) at Section 110.304.25 (gg) to create a new use titled “Winery” that would allow wineries to be established in certain residential regulatory zones subject to the approval of either a business license or an Administrative Permit; to allow recurring special events in conjunction with a winery use in certain rural and residential regulatory zones subject to approval of an Administrative Permit; within Article 410 (Parking and Loading) at Section 110.410.10.3 to establish parking standards for the Liquor Manufacturing and Winery commercial use types, and to make other changes necessarily connected therewith and pertaining thereto.  (Bill No. 1770) Community Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


21.        Possible Closed Session for the purpose of discussing labor negotiations with Washoe County and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District per NRS 288.220.


*22.     Public Comment.  Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters both on and off the Commission agenda.  The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person. Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole.


*23.     Commissioners’/County Manager’s announcements, reports and updates, requests for information or topics for future agendas.  (No discussion among Commissioners will take place on this item.)




Various boards/commissions the Washoe County Commissioners may be a member of or liaison to:


Chair Jung

Community Assistance Center Transitional Governing Board

District Board of Health

Internal Audit Committee

Investment Committee

Medical Marijuana Working Group

Nevada Works (alternate)

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (alternate)

Truckee River Flood Management Authority (alternate)

Washoe County Criminal Justice Advisory Committee

Washoe County Stadium Authority


Vice-Chair Lucey

EDAWN (Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada) (alternate)

Nevada Association of Counties Board of Directors (NACO)

Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway (alternate)

Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Board (alternate)

Regional Transportation Commission

Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board (alternate)

Tahoe Transportation District Board of Directors (alternate)

Tahoe Transportation Commission (alternate)

Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency Governing Board

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (alternate)

Truckee River Flood Management Authority

Washoe County Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (alternate)

Washoe County Debt Management Commission

Washoe County Library Board of Trustees

Washoe County School District Oversight Panel

Washoe County Stadium Authority (alternate)

Western Regional Water Commission


Commissioner Berkbigler

Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN)

Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Board of Supervisors

Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Board

Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee

Regional Transportation Commission

Tahoe Prosperity Center Board of Directors

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board

Tahoe Transportation District Board of Directors

Tahoe Transportation Commission

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (alternate)

Truckee River Flood Management Authority (alternate)

Washoe County Legislative Liaison

Washoe County Organizational Effectiveness Committee

Washoe County Stadium Authority

Western Nevada Development District (WNDD)


Commissioner Hartung

Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency Governing Board

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board

Truckee River Flood Management Authority

Washoe County Investment Committee

Washoe County Senior Services Advisory Board Liaison (alternate)

Washoe County Stadium Authority (alternate)

Western Regional Water Commission


Commissioner Herman

Nevada Association of Counties Board of Directors (NACO)

Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway


State Land Use Planning Advisory Council (SLUPAC)

Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency Governing Board

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board

Truckee River Flood Management Authority (alternate)

Vya Conservation District

Washoe County Open Space and Regional Parks Commission Liaison

Washoe County Senior Services Advisory Board Liaison

Washoe County School District Oversight Panel

Washoe County Stadium Authority (alternate)

Washoe-Storey Conservation District

Western Regional Water Commission